Essential Model Polaroids Guide – ANPMstudios

At ANPMstudios, we understand the importance of crafting a standout portfolio for aspiring models.
A crucial component of this portfolio is your set of high-quality digitals, or "polaroids." These photographs serve as a blank canvas, highlighting your natural appearance without the distractions of heavy makeup, elaborate styling, or dramatic lighting. Our goal is to accentuate your inherent beauty, flexibility, and potential across diverse modelling roles.

Here is our guide to preparing for a digitals photoshoot to ensure you make a compelling impression when submitting your images to agencies:

1. Simplicity is Key
Agencies need to see the authentic you. Choose simple, form-fitting attire that showcases your natural form. A plain white T-shirt with jeans is a timeless, effective choice for all genders. Avoid loud patterns, logos, or graphics that might detract from your face and body shape.

2. Select Appropriate Undergarments
The right undergarments are essential, as they can influence the appearance of your clothing in photos. Women should opt for a neutral, seamless bra and underwear set to avoid visible lines. Men should choose fitted boxers or briefs that ensure a clean silhouette.

3. Diversify Your Looks
While maintaining simplicity, presenting a range of outfits can demonstrate your versatility to agencies. Include shots in a fitted tank top or sleeveless top to display your arms, and perhaps a sleek, form-fitting dress for women. Alternating tops while keeping the same bottoms can provide multiple looks efficiently.

4. Opt for Neutral Colors
Stick to neutral colours like white, black, grey, and beige for your digitals. These colours are classic, flatter most skin tones, and keep the focus on you. If you introduce colour, ensure it is solid and subdued.

5. Focus on Fit, Not Fashion Labels
Agencies aren’t searching for the latest designer trends but are interested in how clothes fit your body. Your attire should fit snugly but comfortably, allowing agencies to accurately gauge your body type and proportions.

6. Prepare Suitable Footwear
Though shoes may not always be visible in shots, wearing simple, classic footwear is advisable. Women might consider nude or black heels to elongate their legs, while men could opt for clean sneakers or understated dress shoes. The emphasis should always remain on you, not your accessories.

7. Natural Hair and Makeup
Your digitals should reflect a very natural look. Keep your hairstyle simple and off your face. Makeup should be minimal—aim for a light foundation, a bit of mascara, and a natural lip shade to subtly enhance your features without masking them.

Purpose and Goals
These digitals aim to showcase your natural beauty and potential as a model. Agencies use these images to assess your suitability for their current needs and your adaptability for various modeling roles. By adhering to these guidelines, you’ll craft a powerful first impression that underscores your potential, making you a prime candidate for modeling opportunities.

Prepare thoroughly for your photoshoot with these tips, ensuring you present yourself as professionally and authentically as possible. We wish you the best as you embark on your exciting journey into the world of modelling!